The second Robotix-Academy Summer School took place at the University of Liège (Belgium) from September 3-5, 2018 and offered the opportunity to bring together PhD and Master students from the 5 partner universities.
The University of Liège organized the second Summer School in the framework of the Robotix-Academy project. At the beginning of September, 16 PhD and Master students from the 5 partner universities met for three days to exchange their technical knowledge in different areas of robotics, such as human-robot collaboration or programming via ROS.
The program was very diverse and included the calibration of a laser measurement sensor by line on a robotic arm. This event also provided an opportunity for participants to become familiar with the “RobotStudio” software. The students were able to program and model the robot “Yumi”; they discovered robot programming of “ROS” and “MoveIt”. Finally, they also devoted themselves to computer vision for robotics and human motion measurement.
This event also provided space for discussion and sharing and helped to further bond the project team.