Date(s) - 14/05/2022 - 15/05/2022

Join in! – Two days of tinkering, handcrafting, experimenting. – Be there when you can try out and experience IT and technology up close.

Organized by the regional maker scene and the Ministry of Economics, Labor, Energy and Transport (of Saarland), make-it.saarland offers highlights and attractions related to technology, future topics and crafts.

Here, schoolchildren, trainees and students have the opportunity to try out and learn about future technologies ranging from 3D printing to sustainability, robotics and programming. The Robotix Academy will also offer workshops on robotics.

Sat/Sun, May 14/15, 2022 – Gewerbepark Eschberger Weg, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Further information at: make-it.saarland