From October 25 to November 16, 2021, the Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub (L-DIH) team toured the country in its yellow bus to meet with companies in the manufacturing industry and discuss their digital transformation and the implementation of an Industry 4.0 approach. The campaign was deemed a success, and the team plans to repeat it in 2022.
“Industry 4.0 comes to you.” This was the idea behind L-DIH’s initiative to spend a month on the streets of Luxembourg, meeting representatives of industrial companies in a practical and, for them, inspiring way.
From Lentzweiler in the north to Belval in the south, the L-DIH bus stopped in 12 different industrial areas and attracted no less than 160 participants from 100 different companies, large groups and SMEs. Figures that are considered more than satisfactory for the first event of this rather unusual kind.
The DIH on tour was mainly organized by Luxinnovation. The distinctive yellow school bus, set up as a classroom, toured the country’s main industrial sites, offering training on digitalization and cybersecurity at each stop. It also hosted discussion sessions with digitization experts from major companies as well as the University of Luxembourg.
This gave the University of Luxembourg researchers, here the Robotix Academy representatives, the opportunity to understand the different technological challenges that industries are expected to face in the future and helped them better prepare a roadmap with the aim of solving the challenges together with industry.

L-DIH on tour – Dr. Atal Kumar, Robotix-Academy (on the right)